Dru’s Book Musings

A Day in My Life - Lyla

P.M. Raymond is known for her horror and crime noir. But, the chance to give her most horrific character, Lyla, a dose of quirky, lovable mischievousness in a cozy mystery was something she could not pass up!

Check out the character POV, “A Day In My Life”, from six-year-old demon detective, Lyla, featured in the short story, “Cinderella at Midnight” at Dru’s Book Musings - a very popular, award-winning cozy mystery blog!

Author in black turtleneck with shoulder length black hair

Meet the Author

P.M. Raymond is a project consultant living on the East Coast with 27 cookbooks and an imaginary dog named Walter. As a native of New Orleans, mystical undertones are the roux in her crime and horror writing.


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