Illicit Motions

Behind closed doors, down quiet streets, through the night fog rolling along the coasts, and deep within thick shadows the world over, criminals, opportunists, and maniacs roam; their hands, feet, and minds busy with Illicit Motions. Within these pages are fourteen crime stories; take a trip through the seedy side of the everyday world, the violence of professional hits, the chances to break away from the tedium of normalcy, and much more.

This upcoming anthology features the short story, “Clean Up at Sunnyside Lounge” by P.M. Raymond

Author in black turtleneck with shoulder length black hair

Meet the Author

P.M. Raymond is a project consultant living on the East Coast with 27 cookbooks and an imaginary dog named Walter. As a native of New Orleans, mystical undertones are the roux in her crime and horror writing.


Dru's Book Musings


The Entitled Life and Untimely Death of King Booker